It was a night of wonder at the Mangol community during the showing of the Jesus Film. The people clapped every time Jesus performed a miracle and were greatly moved by the message. Of the 335 attendees, 113 of them accepted Christ and many received instant healing as we prayed.

Among the new converts was a man named Paul. He had accepted Christ earlier in life, but had fallen back into idol worship. After seeing the Jesus Film, he accepted the message and gave his life back to Christ. I had personal time with him after we closed and he admitted to having idols in his home. After speaking with him, he agreed to burn them in the morning. I wish we could have burned the idols right away, but it was already 1am.

After getting some rest, I woke at 6am and left for Mangol with an elder in the church. When we arrived, Paul was still asleep after the late night program.

When he woke, we began to speak and about 10 minutes into our conversation I realized he had changed his mind and didn’t want to burn his idols. He wouldn’t say why, but I knew the devil was trying to pollute his mind. As the elder shared his story of how he surrendered idols, I began to pray.

After two hours of conversing with Paul, he told us to go. We got up to leave, but as I started my motorbike he called out to us to wait. He changed his mind and wanted to burn his idols. Praise the Lord!!! Although he was scared of what might happen next, he was willing to take the risk.

We prayed for him, burnt the idols and covered the house with the blood of Jesus through prayer. Glory be to God. Let’s remember him in our prayers. He is trusting God for total healing.


In all we burnt six idols and three ritual medicines, but this is only the beginning…six down and a lot more to go.

Praise God for this amazing update on the work going on in Ghana!