When Rose shared the Gospel with Deborah, she did far more than save one life.

After several horrific tragedies, Deborah decided to end her life. But God brought Rose to her at the perfect time, saving her life from physical death and for eternity with Him. Yet the story does not end there. Deborah went on to gather and disciple her own group of five people, in the design of OneWay Africa’s disciple-making movement, Train the Trainer.

This method, where each disciple in turn disciples five more, seeks to bring Christ to the people of Kombaland. Deborah is a powerful testimony that God is using this movement in incredible ways!


Deborah has taken what Rose taught her to hundreds of people, forming an incredible amount of discipleship groups. The number of people who have come to Christ as a result includes Deborah’s own husband and son.

In February 2018, 500 disciples from this discipleship movement gathered to celebrate the work God is doing through Train the Trainer. When Deborah shared how God was using her, she called forward her disciples who attended the celebration.

The number of people that came forward was staggering. These followers of Christ exist because of God’s radical intervention in Deborah’s life when she was at her lowest.