What is your “Reach People” plan

What is your “Reach People” plan

Do you have a retirement plan? Every year, my wife, Rachel, and I meet with this guy and he says, “Based off of your current trends, you have a ____ percent chance of your money outliving you…” If you are like most people, besides wanting a proactive...
Reaching People in remote parts of Africa

Reaching People in remote parts of Africa

Three members of the OneWay Africa team ride for hours through harsh terrain to a remote community where the people have been asking for a church. They have to stop often to push their motorcycles across roads overgrown by the thick bush. As they trudge on, they...
LOVE MUSLIMS: Impact Story

LOVE MUSLIMS: Impact Story

One couple shares how the Love Muslims Prayercast videos moved them to prayer and action during Ramadan.  My wife, Karen, and I were told about the Ramadan Prayercast videos by a friend who works training ordinary people to visits Muslims in their mosques and even...
Hope amid ashes: Making disciples in hard places

Hope amid ashes: Making disciples in hard places

“I told my wife I now believe in Jesus. She said, ‘I want to believe in Jesus, too.’ ” These words were recently shared with OneWay’s Equipping Evangelist as he made yet another visit to a country near the Middle East. God is doing amazing things....
GOD STORIES: A Day in the Life of Mission Network News

GOD STORIES: A Day in the Life of Mission Network News

It’s 10am. Mission Network News’ Katrina Green is on the phone with TransWorld Radio’s Steve Shantz. It is Steve’s goal to broadcast the hope of Jesus Christ in the midst of the Venezuelan crisis. It is Katrina’s goal to show people how to pray for the situation and...